My mom, like me, tends to be fairly stoic and non-demonstrative. She assumes I know that she is proud of me, so she doesn't often take the time to actually tell me that. Being the insecure little girl that I sometimes am, hearing her actually say anything of that nature sends me soaring. Since I was in a mood of crying for joy yesterday anyway, the text she sent me set the waterworks flowing. It read:
Wow Steph!! I love your blogs! I read each subject. Made me want more. Do it every day. Oh, and be sure to Drive Gently. That cracked me up. U r a great writer!... I mean it - you are great at writing. I even read the necrophilia blog. Interesting but creepy.
Inspired by mom's encouragement, I submitted my first article for (hopeful) publication in a magazine today. It wouldn't technically be my first published article, but everything else I've had published has been of a press release nature. If it didn't get published, it was because the event wasn't interesting, not because my writing wasn't. Today's submission was just me, baring a little piece of my soul and putting it out for the approval of strangers. I can't post it here, because then the magazine wouldn't technically have first publishing rights. But if it makes it in, I'll be sure to share the link.
Today was my last ever Wednesday of treatment. Five days and three treatments til I go home. I'm starting to set up work meetings and preparing to return to my new improved normal life. I know it will be the real test of the success of my treatment, and I'm nervous but excited.
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