Wednesday, April 25, 2012

3 Month Update

I haven't posted in a while. I keep thinking that I'll set up a facebook page for my blog, to make it easier for readers to follow and share. I got the idea from my fave blog, Single Dad Laughing. But I still haven't gotten around to doing it, so I thought I should at least keep writing and eventually add the fb element.

Here's what's going on in my life:

It's been more than three months since I finished my rTMS treatment. I continue to see changes and improvement. Little things that no one else would notice. I check my voicemail every day. I have increased patience. I like to go out and do more social stuff. I set goals, and stick to them. I've started leading some new support groups and they are growing and doing well.

I've continued my efforts at better physical health. My experiments with hidden vegetables didn't turn out so great. Some of the recipes were good and hid their 'secret' ingredients well, but all of them required more time and preparation than I am typically willing to give to cooking for one. So, I just try to eat more of the foods that I like that are healthy. I eat some spinach almost every day because it's super healthy and easy to incorporate into a salad or even a smoothie. I've been eating more smoothies, with blueberries and other high anti-oxidant stuff that blends well.

I've also returned to the world of exercise. I had taken a long leave of absence. I felt depressed, lazy, smothered... so many feelings that didn't lead me to the gym. Those feelings are gone (or at least lessened), and I feel motivated again. It's still not the easiest choice to make in my day, but I've been building it into my schedule to make it more likely to happen. I've also gotten a new workout partner who typically meets me two days a week, and am hoping to find someone else to meet me two additional days per week. I know that I do best when I have someone to be accountable to. Anyone in the Knox area who wants a Rush workout buddy, give me a shout.

On the dating front, I am the most happy being single I have ever been. I tried to maintain a friendship with my most recent ex, but he went a little too far with that, asking me for advice on how to handle a situation with a girl he was interested in. LESS THAN A MONTH AFTER MOVING OUT OF MY HOUSE. I think it actually was good for me, helping me become soooo over it that it turned me off to dating all together, at least for a while. Just the thought of dating exhausts me a little right now.

There are aftereffects, though. The girl he was interested in is more than ten years younger than me. The ex before him (who didn't want to get married after 3.5 years together) is also now dating a much younger girl. It's brought a few feelings of jealousy (why do they have love and I don't?) and insecurities (I am getting long in the tooth for the dating world). So, obviously, I'm not completely okay being single or those things wouldn't bother me.

As usual, I'm keeping busy in the rest of my life. The house always has some projects to offer. I spent a few days working at a new store that was preparing to open. I've been helping my brother work on a business venture he's starting. I'm still on several boards and keep busy with them. Throw in my regular job, time with Arlo and friends, and sleep, and that's pretty much my life right now. I feel quite peaceful.